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The invention of the gun changed the face of warfare, and society, all over the world.  While it probably seems like guns have simply been around forever when looking back through history at the various battles and wars dating hundreds of years ago, but when was the first gun made and how did guns get their start?  Guns actually have a fairly long history dating all the way back to the tenth century, and have only grown to be more technical and advanced overtime.

How Guns Started

According to historians and records, China was the first to invent gunpowder by blending charcoal, saltpeter and sulfur.  They originally used this powder, that they called huo yao, to treat skin infections.  Only later did armies realize that they could use the powder in bombs, mines and other weapons.  Because of this, the powder began being referred to as gunpowder.  Gunpowder was later transported to Europe, and the mixture was refined over the years until the best combination was found that ended up being somewhere around 75% saltpeter, 15% charcoal  and 10% sulfur.  As various countries began using gunpowder, they realized its capabilities for causing explosions and making weapons more powerful.

The First Gun

Chinese fire lances are most commonly regarded as the first guns.  During the tenth century, the Chinese would use bamboo or tubes made of metal to project flames and pieces of scrap metal at their enemies.  Later in 1320, cannons were invented in Italy and they continued to be changed and modified to become more advanced throughout Europe during their many wars over the years.  During the fifteenth century the lock was invented, which is the firing mechanism on a firearm which led to the real beginning of handguns as we know them.  

The Growth Of Guns

The French arquebus was the first handgun, which featured a short-barreled firearm that was held at the shoulder and was the first that was small enough to be operated by one man.  Overtime, guns slowly began to replace the traditional weapons that soldiers had used in battle such as swords, or bow and arrow. This was  mainly due to the fact that archery and swords took a lot of training for a soldier to become skilled enough to be effective in battle. Guns took only a few weeks of learning to use for a soldier without any experience to become effective on the battlefield.

Guns have continued to advance over time, and have drastically changed the landscape of not only warfare but also hunting, crime, and more.  

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